Join us for an evening with FMU as we celebrate our 10 year anniversary!
Discussion Questions:
Session 4.1: Three Dating Don’ts
Chapter 7
- Why is ditching your friends for your dating life unwise, unhealthy, and even dangerous? (See pages 85-86 in the book.)
- In asserting that someone with many companions may come to ruin, what is Prov 18:24 encouraging us to seek instead? (See page 90 in the book or look up Prov 18:24.)
- Why do we prize romantic/sexual (eros) love above friendship (phileo) love, and why shouldn’t we? (See pages 91-92 in the book.)
Chapter 8
- Since shared experiences can make you feel closer than you actually are, how should that reality impact how you date? (See page 96 in the book.)
- Do you think the cell phone has become more of a distraction, a crutch, or an addiction in our culture?
- While not necessarily wrong, how can flirting negatively impact your dating life? (See pages 97-99 in the book.)
Chapter 9
- When someone doesn’t honor your convictions, what are they saying about how they view you? (See page 105 in the book.)
- What are the various motivations that drive daters to compromise their convictions?
Session 4.2: How to Whoops-Proof Your Dating Life
Chapter 10
- When it comes to setting boundaries, what is the difference between following logic vs. legalism? (See page 111 in the book or look up Proverbs 7:6-10.)
- Jesus declared lust as sinful as adultery, so how should this expand (and clarify) how we view sex, purity, and sexual sin? (See page 112 in the book or look up Matthew 5:27-28.)
- What should be the goal of setting sexual boundaries in your dating life? (See page 113 in the book or look up 1 Corinthians 6:12.)
- How does keeping your dating life out in the open (never isolating) eliminate the opportunity for sexual sin? (See pages 114-117 in the book.)
- How does keeping your dating life out in the open (never isolating) work with the nature of sexual temptation? (See pages 117-118 in the book.)
- How does keeping your dating life out in the open (never isolating) keep you from reprogramming your sex drive? (See pages 118-120 in the book.)
- How does keeping your dating life out in the open (never isolating) allow you to focus on building relational intimacy? (See pages 120-121 in the book.)
Video Resources:
For more fun and thoughtful perspective on flirting, watch our LoveEd series, How to Flirt like a Christian.
For more insight regarding your boundaries being established on logic and not legalism, check out this MAN2MAN memo from the playlist, Living a Life of Honor. It’s speaking directly to men (and it’s also intentionally dubbed like a old-school King Fu movie), but there is much for both genders to learn from this.
For more on Jesus words about adultery and lust, watch this episode from the LoveEd playlist, Premarital Sex & the Scriptures.
For more on how to set effective dating boundaries in light of the reality that sexual arousal is only natural between two people who are physically attracted to one another, watch this video from the LoveEd series, Hot Topics Handled with Care.
Finally, for a quick overview of the one single sex boundary to whoops-proof your dating life, watch these three videos:
Here are those three videos in the LoveEd playlist, Stuff You Should Know Before You Date: