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Want to Date Like You Know What You’re Doing? We have a book and video curriculum for that!

If your relationships rock, your life will rock!

Relation^ology equips you with the biblical foundation necessary for success in relationships with God and others.

Relation^ology is best experienced through our in-person classes.  You can also go through the material online with blogs & videos.

Ready to Rock Your Relationships?

I have learned so much from this class. I’m already repeating things that I’m learning to other friends who aren’t in the class. I know these principles will continue to be helpful in how I look at the world and relationships for years to come.

Young Adult Student

Our teens need more than a Sunday morning service and Wednesday small groups. They need classes with deep topics, lessons and discussions on real life issues. This class helps to bridge that massive gap.

High School Parent

Talking about some of these topics helped me to think about them deeper and apply them in my life!

High School Student