Join us for an evening with FMU as we celebrate our 10 year anniversary!
Discussion Questions:
Session 8.1: What Everyone should Know About Marriage Before They Ever Date
Chapter 21
- In what ways could your future marriage be as IMPORTANT, or even MORE important than your career?
- In what ways could your future marriage be as CHALLENGING, or even MORE challenging than your career?
- In what ways could your future marriage be as REWARDING, or even MORE rewarding than your career?
- What’s the difference between longing for marriage and preparing for marriage? (See page 265 in the book.)
- How could intentionally preparing for your future marriage, even before you start dating, help curb your longing for marriage, or even for a romantic relationship?
- Why should you endeavor to prepare for a life-giving, lifelong marriage, when marriage isn’t even assured? (See pages 266-267 in the book.)
- Why isn’t premarital counseling enough to prepare you for marriage?
Session 8.2: Don’t Let FOMO Cause You to MOOM
Chapter 21
- Before this book/class, do you think your expectations for dating and marriage were realistic, unrealistic, or just plain wrong? Why?
- How has this book/class changed your perceptions of and/or expectations for dating and marriage?
- Do you sense FOMO has interfered with your ability, desire, and/or determination to make healthy, prudent commitments? Why or why not?
- Do you sense FOMO has kept you from growing deeper, more meaningful relationships? Why or why not?
- What goals could you set for the next 90 days to prepare for your future marriage? (See pages 269-272 in the book.)
Recommended Reading List:
- Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas
- Love & Respect by Emerson Eggerichs
- Love & War by John & Staci Eldredge
Video Resources:
Check out these videos for an overview of how to prepare for your future marriage like a successful career:
Or watch both videos in our LoveEd playlist, Purpose Driven Dating:
While the vast majority of high school students say they expect to marry (95% in a recent poll), 73% of young adults remain single into their 20s and 30s. What if pornography is one of the reasons? And what if pornography could keep you from getting married at all? We address all this in our LoveEd series, How Porn Will Keep You Single.
Lastly, in a world where the average age of first-time marriage is 28 for the ladies and 30 for the men… and rising… we offer some thoughtful perspective on early marriage in the LoveEd series, Marry Early. Marry Once. But first we address the dangers of marrying young. Because that’s how we role.