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Join us for an evening with FMU as we celebrate our 10 year anniversary!

Relation^ology is a discipleship class that begins with the end in mind.

The end of your life.


Sounds morbid, but if you want to be truly successful, there’s no more important area of your life where you want to succeed than in relationships. Yet the majority of education is centered on academics and job preparation.

Relation^ology meets the need for relationship education.

Relation^ology focuses on how to have healthy relationships with God, family and friends by identifying the greatest relational need of your heart and then identifying the counterfeits we seek out or settle for instead.

Through bible study and group discussion, we will answer questions like:

  • What do you need from relationships?
  • What keeps you from having healthy relationships?
  • How can you establish a positive relationship with your parents & siblings?
  • How can you handle peer pressure, bullying, cliques, and social media?
  • Why is it difficult to be ‘just friends’ with the opposite sex?
  • Is sexual purity really possible or even important?
  • And more…

I liked how it was a balance of having fun together but also being challenged by the questions and what we’re learning. Seeing how passionately you guys teach and how you want us to be successful in our relationships was so cool and made me realize how important this is.

2022 Student

The guidance provided in this class has helped frame how we discuss relationships at home and has given us tools as parents in addition to equipping our high schooler!

Parent of 2023 Student

This class has really helped me see relationships in a new way, and has made me want to make, maintain, and pursue Christ centered relationships. It has made me feel content not trying to be the popular one, and I feel more at peace because of this class.

2022 Student

This class offers backup to the parents who are desperately trying to give their teens the tools to make wise decisions in life and relationships. Thanks for teaching them wise, practical ideas that they can use every day!

Parent of 2020 Student

I really enjoyed how it was a space to have fun and laugh, but also breaking down your social barriers to talk about real life.

2023 Student

My daughter loved the teachers, the fun atmosphere, the way it helped her make sense of what culture is throwing at her on a daily basis.

Parent of 2019 Student