Join us for an evening with FMU as we celebrate our 10 year anniversary!
Yet research shows 88% of today’s parents are focused on education and career for their children, not future marriage and family.*
As many parents look elsewhere and the marriage rate continues to fall, God is using Future Marriage University to restore hope.
Future Marriage University is equipping students and young adults to catch a biblical vision for marriage that’s realistic and inspiring! Then, we’re providing them with a roadmap to get there through our in-person teaching, small group materials, and online resources.
Join us in calling up the next generation to catch a vision for marriage.
These Students are Catching the Vision
This past year, FMU impacted more students and young adults than ever before. Our Date Like You Know What You’re Doing curriculum was taught in communities across Tennessee and as far away as Southeast Asia.
Nicia and Chris Irwin run Entermission, a gap year experience for 17-25 year-olds in Knoxville, Tennessee. Nicia discovered the DLYKWYD curriculum in May and their students went through the book together this fall. “We love how easy it is to read, it’s relatable and the questions are great!”
Together we can empower the next generation to grow spiritually and date wisely so they can marry well.
Catch a Vision with Service & Prayer
You can join the fun we have at FMU by helping with events, class snacks, social media, tech support, and more. Click here to learn how to invest your talents in FMU locally or online or email
Prayer Champs
Make a difference in the life of a student! Prayer Champs intercede for students during each 8 week, in-person class. Watch this video and email to learn about this powerful partnership.
There shall be heard again the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voices of those who sing, as they bring thank offerings to the house of the Lord. – Jeremiah 33:10b-11a