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Join us for an evening with FMU as we celebrate our 10 year anniversary!

Purity isn’t just a good idea. It’s a freedom worth fighting for.

Not sure what purity has to do with freedom? Are you more apt to associate purity with lists, limits, and legalism?

Well you must not know the bondage of sexual sin then, because most who indulge their sexual appetite eventually discover it takes them further than they wanted to stray, keeps them longer than they wanted to stay, and costs them more than they wanted to pay.

This is why the Apostle Paul warns us…

All things are permitted for me, but not all things are of benefit. All things are permitted for me, but I will not be mastered by anything. – 1 Cor 6:12

But learning to master your sex drive isn’t nearly as easy as letting it master you, so this page features some of our most popular posts and videos proffering both encouragement and wisdom in your battle!

Tired of Fighting Sexual Temptation?

Are you tired of fighting sexual temptation?

Weary of wrestling with your relentless sex drive?

This post is for you!

Perhaps you’re tired of trying to keep your dating life pure? Or, more to the point, tired of trying and then failing.

And trying and failing.

Again and again.

Would you like to fail less?

Or perhaps you aren’t currently dating, but are struggling with sexual fantasy (and porn? and more?).

In that case, would you like to equip yourself to win the battle over sexual temptation BEFORE you start dating; ready to walk in consistent freedom instead of constant failure?

Whichever place you find yourself, look no further for clear insight, direction, and encouragement in winning the battle against sexual temptation. [read more]

Keep Things Out in the Open

Dating or courtship should be a time of growing in intimacy – NOT sexual intimacy – relational/emotional intimacy.

To clarify what I mean, here’s how Webster’s defines the word “intimate”:

  • belonging to or characterizing one’s deepest nature
  • marked by very close association, contact, or familiarity
  • marked by a warm friendship developing through long association
  • suggesting informal warmth or privacy
  • of a very personal or private nature

If you want to grow in this kind of intimacy, without the temptation of falling into the other kind of intimacy, you don’t want to be… [read more]

TOP10 Benefits of Saving Sex for Marriage

It’s not enough to know you shouldn’t.

“Because I said so,” didn’t even satisfy our curiosity when we were four. How much less now that we’re owners of adult bodies with adult urges.

That’s why we believe in understanding “WHY” around Future Marriage University.

Fortunately for you, there are many reasons to save sex for marriage, but there are ten we share in our LoveEd YouTube series: TOP10 Benefits of Saving Sex for Marriage. It starts with this video: