Join us for an evening with FMU as we celebrate our 10 year anniversary!
- Christian College/University
- Christian Middle or High School
- College Ministry
- Student Ministry
- Young Adults/Professionals Ministry
- Singles Ministry
- Family Ministry
If any of the above apply you’re in the right place, because we have a blast sharing practical, Biblical truth about sex, dating and relationships. But more important than what we talk about is why, because at Future Marriage University (FMU) our mission is to empower students and young adults to grow spiritually and date wisely, so they can marry well!
You see, we don’t just deal with the symptoms of relational brokenness (porn, sexual promiscuity, serial dating, sexual identity, romanticide). We begin with the end in mind, believing that God is calling most (not all, but definitely the vast majority) of us to a life-giving, life long marriage.
Does that sound like a noble goal? Then consider what we have to offer you toward that end.
- Date Night Advice (DNA) blog
- LoveEd video blog
- MAN2MAN memos
Discipleship Curriculum
- Date Like You Know What You’re Doing ((high school and up!)
- Beyond Sex & Salvation (college & young adult)
- Relation^ology (middle school & up! Coming Soon!)
Discussion Series
- Relation^ology (introduced in this DNA post)
- Friends Don’t Let Friends Date Dumb (here’s the first session in this series as delivered at Lipscomb University)
- The Sexual Intercourse (summarized in this DNA post)
- The Five Sex Lies (summarized in this DNA post)
- Rated Sex Talks (summarized in this guest post for Faith on Campus)
- he Nud1st C0l0ny Discourse (introduced in this guest post for Faith on Campus)
- TOP10 Benefits of Saving Sex for Marriage (as presented in this LoveEd YouTube series)
- Parental Guidance (check out our Parental Guidance page)
As you can see, we have content, and as you read we hope you’ll see how we could help you lead your party peeps into relational health and sexual freedom. If we’ve piqued your interest at all, don’t just sit there reading and watching, reach out! See our contact info.
What other Ministry Leaders have to Say
“The material MJ shares is rich, biblically-backed, and very relevant…all while using a great sense of humor.”
Mark Lewis
Asst Dean for Spiritual Life & Chapel Programs
Abilene Christian University
“Michael brings an important message that students are hungry to hear. His engaging, heartfelt and playful style draws students in and his use of biblical truth serves to re/shape how this generation understands God, relationships and self.”
Guy Chmieleski
University Minister
Belmont University
“MJ drew the largest crowd of students that we ever had attend “Solomon’s Porch.” His humor and honest conversations connected with all of our students!”
Clark Carter
Charleston Southern University
“I’ve spent many hours talking to my friend Michael Johnson about his passion to see singles better equipped to forge a lifelong, love filled marriage. A lot of smart singles have already benefitted from his coaching. Now you can too.”
Bob Lepine
FamilyLife Today
“Michael connected with students like no other Family Life Week speaker we have ever had. He found the artful balance between keeping their interest and delivering high value content about relationships. I would recommend FMU to any organization interested in teaching High School and College students about appropriate Christ-centered relationships of all kinds. Michael is unassuming and winsome. He is easy to get along with and easy to host as a chapel guest. You will love his ministry on your campus and love getting to know him personally.”
Harold Carl
LeTourneau University
“Michael is one of the few people who has built an approach to marriage preparation that focuses on an individual’s spiritual foundation long before one actually is involved in a relationship that might lead to marriage. I commend him to any who are serious about building a healthy, lasting, graceful marriage.”
Dr. John Conger
Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences
Lipscomb University
“As a single person, why am I embarrassed to read a book on marriage? If we prepare for careers with schooling and internships, why would we deny ourselves the same for marriage? Michael and Julie’s passion to inform and equip in a biblical and real way, allows people to embrace the idea of who they want to be and what marriage will look like when it comes. We desperately need this.”
Joy Eggerichs
Love and Respect Ministries
“Michael’s direction took students where they really needed to go by paths they would not have found by themselves. What a good guide! He helped set them on the path of forming relationships that will go the distance.”
Shawn Shannon
Director of Baptist Student Ministries
University Mary Hardin-Baylor
“Michael Johnson has a unique ministry that challenges students to think about relationships and responsibility from a perspective that has been lost in this consumeristic self satisifying culture. His message is simple yet profound and his heart is for students and young adults to get this dating and marriage thing right.”
Eric E. Pratt, Ph.D.
Vice President for Christian Development
Mississippi College
“Michael Johnson really connected with our student body. His catchy humor, Biblical foundation and creative communication style delivers. We highly recommend your consideration of bringing in Michael to address your student body with this relevant and needed focus for today’s next generation.”
Jim Johnson
Sr. Director for Constituent Relations & Campus Ministries
Northwestern College
“Future Marriage University is a primer to prevent divorce. Michael Johnson has creatively blended together humor and solid content to help young singles prepare for a successful marriage. I recommend this program and commend his efforts as a leader in pre-marital education.”
Ken R. Canfield Ph.D.
Former Director of the Center for the Family
Pepperdine University
“His messages were powerful, challenging our students to consider the negative images our culture gives them about marriage and fidelity. For our afternoon session, a major ice storm shut down the campus and students still showed-up to hear his presentation! Clearly MJ is scratching an itch as he communicates clearly and creatively God’s truth for students preparing to live faithfully as followers of Christ, whether married or single.”
Matt Kerlin
Asst Dean for Spiritual Life and University Minister
Samford University
“MJ is definitely in the top tier of speakers we have had on campus.”
Josh McCarty
Williams Baptist College
“Michael obviously has a heart to help singles see the importance of thinking well about marriage preparation. I believe FMU provides much-needed biblical perspective for Christian singles who wish to honor God in their relationships, and am glad to see God using the ministry in powerful ways.”
John Fuller
Christian broadcaster