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Join us for an evening with FMU as we celebrate our 10 year anniversary!

[updated: 9/25/21]

We need to talk about a hidden danger in the Netflix mega-hit series, Stranger Things, but don’t worry. There are NO PLOT SPOILERS in this post.

In fact, this hidden danger was introduced right away in the first episode of season one. Briefly, subtly, but revealed none the less.

A secret agenda, if you will.

Not of the Demogorgon.

Nor of the Mind Flayer.

I don’t even believe it was an intentional agenda of Writers/Directors, Matt and Ross Duffer.

After all, Stranger Things wasn’t written by those guys in an 80s nuclear bomb shelter. Instead, like the little girl with the frequent nosebleed known as Eleven, this Netflix series is just as much the creation of the culture in which we find ourselves; a world not too different from the Upside Down. And our culture has been plagued by this hidden danger for decades.

But don’t take my word for it. Hear these prophetic words spoken long before the 80s, the time period of Stranger Things:

“Our ancestors have handed over to us organisms which are warped in this respect: and we grow up surrounded by propaganda in favour of unchastity. There are people who want to keep our sex instinct inflamed in order to make money out of us. Because, of course, a man with an obsession is a man who has very little sales-resistance.” – CS Lewis, Mere Christianity, 1952

This is the hidden danger of Stranger Things  I am compelled to expose: the harmful portrayal of human sexuality conveyed by what is arguably one of the most family-friendly programs of modern times.

Not certain Lewis’s words about “propaganda in favour of unchastity” apply to this particular Netflix original series? Think I got the wrong program?

You’re not alone.

Remember, I said it’s a secret agenda. Showing up sporadically and, and when it does, appearing as harmless as a cute little Demo-dog. At first.

So if you have the courage to face it, I invite you to check out my Date Night Advice (DNA) series of posts inspired by the first three episodes of season one.

I think you’ll be surprised, because in this DNA series entitled Sexual Things, we explore many of the sexual topics raised by Stranger Things:

Click any of the links above to jump right to a issue that piques your interest, or get started in understanding this hidden danger by beginning with the opening post of the Sexual Things DNA series.

DNA: It’s What’s For Dating

Dug this weekend’s Date Night Advice (DNA)? Be a good friend and share with your friends on the social media platform of choice: Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, or Twitter.

Want to grow beyond our DNA blog?

Our LoveEd discipleship series, Beyond Sex & Salvation, will empower you to grow spiritually and date wisely, so you can marry well.

This discipleship series is NOT for couples, but for the wise individual who wants to prepare for their future marriage like a successful career: intentionally, intelligently and IN ADVANCE!

This discipleship series is NOT about dos and don’ts. It’s about learning the life lessons, mastering the life disciplines, and making the life decisions necessary for relational success.

[originally published: 6/26/19]