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[updated: 7/17/19]

I used to like porn.

OK. Honestly?


Hardly anything in the world makes me feel the way I felt looking at porn.

Donald Miller nailed it when he recounted his thoughts after seeing porn for the first time.

“I felt the nervous energy of a river furling through my lower intestines, ebbing in tides against the gray matter of my mind, delivering me into a sort of ecstasy from which I felt I would never return. This new information seemed to give grass its green and sky its blue and now, before I had requested a reason to live, one had been delivered: naked women.” Donald Miller, Blue Like Jazz

However, the last time I consumed porn (or should I say the last time porn consumed me), was the early part of 2001, because while it may have felt like a reason to live at first, I began to see it was bringing death into my life. A terrible death. Though I felt powerfully alive in the moment, it got to where the good feeling would depart as quickly as when Nemo & Dory see the terrifying face behind the cute little glowing light of the Angler fish.

Good feeling’s gone!

Can you relate?

Can you relate and yet you still can’t seem to break free?

See if any of these other descriptions of porn might inspire you to swim away from porn.

And to just keep swimming.


Porn is like your favorite drink. Only poisoned.

Porn is like Chuck Norris’ evil twin dressed in baby sea lion clothing.

Porn is like a cute little kitten. And your soul is the mouse.

Porn is like a friend who smiles to your face, but stabs you in the back.

Porn is like a parasite. You may not know it’s killing you until you’re too sick to recover. And you may not know even then.

Porn is like a drug with the shortest high in the world.

Porn is like a menu that makes everything look better than it does in real life and leaves you wanting more than you could ever consume.

Porn is like salt water. It keeps you thirsting for more until it kills you.

Porn is like a Thanksgiving meal. Only you eat it by yourself. And you feel empty when you’re done.

Porn is like Chuck Norris. Only porn really IS dangerous. No fooling!

Porn is like a secret. That eventually finds a way to get out.

Porn is like a con artist. It gains your trust only so it can steal you blind.

Porn is like Times Square on New Year’s Eve. Only you’re completely alone, with nothing but video projections for company.

Porn is like plastic fruit. Looks perfect, but it’s actually cheap, hollow and can never satisfy your hunger.

Porn is like an evil step mother. Appears sweet unless you’re it’s slave.

Porn is like a fire you light to warm you, but grows to harm you.

Porn is like gum. Tastes great at first, but the flavor fades fast. And in the end you want to spit it out.

Porn is like a snake oil salesman who promises much, gives you nothing and costs you everything.

Porn is like a black hole: a dark fascination from which no light escapes.

Porn is like an action movie. Those who try any of it in real life eventually wind up getting hurt.

Porn is like Santa Claus. It looks friendly and inviting and promises to give you whatever you ask. But it’s not real.

Porn is like a betrayer who greets you with a kiss.

Porn is like graffiti. You may like it, but it still involves taking advantage of someone else’s property.

Porn is like a sunken slave ship. You won’t find treasure. Only death.

Porn is like a Hollywood set. Looks real on screen, but you can’t live there.

Porn is like a virus. Porn moves into a human soul and it multiplies and multiplies until every natural sexual instinct is perverted.


Did you just read those similes and think, “TRUTH!”

Then keep reading! Just keep reading… reading… reading… Here’s the post that shares six truths that have empowered me to walk in freedom since 2001.

Or if you’d rather a video overview, check out this MAN2MAN memo where I begin sharing them.

And if you’d like to read more, here’s a link to the page dedicated to freedom from porn!

Finally, we share “Porn is like…” quotes as inspiration to Save Sex on both:

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Don’t be like forgetful Dory, continuing to let yourself be lured into the deadly depths of porn. There’s a a life of freedom awaiting you on the other side!

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The LoveEd study guide series, Beyond Sex & Salvation, will empower you to prepare for relational success when it counts: BEFORE YOU FALL IN LOVE! It’s NOT for couples, but for any wise individual who thinks they might want to get married sometime before they die. Check out the first two 8-lesson study guides in our store. You can walk through it on your own, but it’s more fun with friends, so consider putting together an FMU LoveEd small group study. Even better?  And ask a married couple you respect to lead it!

[originally published: June 16, 2016]