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Join us for an evening with FMU as we celebrate our 10 year anniversary!

DNA-you can move in togetherIt used to be called “shacking up.”

Now it’s just the “next stage” in a modern relationship. (To which I ask, “How well are modern relationships working out for us?”)

Ever daydreamed of moving in with your significant other?

I could share all the stats in the world to convince you otherwise, but you probably wouldn’t care. However, here are a few thoughts you might want to reflect on first.

You can move in together, but marriage isn’t about a trial period. It’s about persevering through every trial.

You can move in together, but tasting the bread dough, will not tell you how the bread will turn out.

You can move in together, but swimming in a lake cannot prepare you for the ocean.

You can move in together, but a test drive will never tell you how well the vehicle will handle the long haul.

You can move in together, but playing house will never be the same thing as building a home.

You can move in together, but does that make you the consumer trying out the product, or the product?

You can move in together, but you can’t test a life-time commitment with a temporary one.

You can move in together, but do you really want a rent-to-own relationship?

You can move in together, but sharing a bed isn’t the same thing as sharing a blessing.

You can move in together, but marriage is not a commodity to try out, it’s a commitment to treasure.

You can move in together, but marriage isn’t about succeeding as roommates. It’s about serving as life mates.

You can move in together, but sharing a key can never compare to sharing a covenant.

You can move in together, but marriage isn’t about moving. It’s about staying.

You can move in together, but don’t think it won’t hurt when you separate.

You can move in together, but only shareholders are committed to the long term success of the company.

You can move in together, but marriage isn’t about sharing a sink. It’s about sharing a sacred covenant.

You can move in together, but marriage isn’t about seeing how things go. It’s about seeing a commitment through.

You can move in together, as long as you’re cool with other people trying out your future spouse.

You can move in together, but what taste good isn’t always good for you.

You can move in together, but relationships survive on commitment not convenience.

You can move in together, but marriage isn’t about sleeping together. It’s about staying together.

You can move in together, but marriage isn’t about testing the waters. It’s about diving in.

You can move in together, but marriage is not about sharing an address. It’s about sharing allegiance.

You can move in together, but marriage isn’t a New Year’s resolution. It’s a lifetime resolve.

You can move in together, but marriage isn’t about living with each other it’s about living FOR each other.

You can move in together, but moving out will still feel like a divorce.

You can move in together, but going for a walk will never prepare you for a triathlon.

You can move in together, but a taste test will never tell you if your tastes might change.

You can move in together, but Rome wasn’t built in a day. And it wasn’t built by halfhearted commitment either.

Every quote above has been previously shared on both:

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DNA: It’s What’s For Dating

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The LoveEd study guide series, Beyond Sex & Salvation, will empower you to prepare for relational success when it counts: BEFORE YOU FALL IN LOVE! It’s NOT for couples, but for any wise individual who thinks they might want to get married sometime before they die. Check out the first two 8-lesson study guides in our store. You can walk through it on your own, but it’s more fun with friends, so consider putting together an FMU LoveEd small group study. Even better?  And ask a married couple you respect to lead it!