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Join us for an evening with FMU as we celebrate our 10 year anniversary!

[We’re in the middle of our online class for Relation^ology. If you want to start at the beginning, click here. Otherwise, read the posts linked below (if you like, invite a couple friends to do the same and discuss with them) and then share your thoughts and questions with us.]

Abel Tesfaye, the WeekndAbel Tesfaye (AKA The Weeknd) says that when he’s with you he can’t feel his face. I’m not precisely sure what that means, but I can say that, when most people are in love they can’t feel their brain.

And that’s why we love it.

Being in love feels so good, who cares what your face feels like, right?

When you’re in love, you feel so close, in tune, dialed in; so connected and accepted.

But what if it’s only a feeling? And what if when you can finally feel your face again you’re left to nurse two black eyes and a broken jaw? That’s how many feel metaphorically after a bad relationship trip. And this is why romance is perhaps the deadliest of all the intimacy impostors.

Is it True Love or just Gas?

How can you know whether to trust your feelings?

What if it’s just gas?

What if it feels like laughing gas at first? (That would account for the lack of feeling in your face.) But turns out to be poison gas? (That would account for the subsequent nausea.)

That’s what we reveal in this post.

It’s not all that difficult to discern true love, if you’re willing to take the time to discover the truth.

But, sadly, though love is first and foremost patient, romance waits for no one.

If you missed this LoveEd episode, it’s the first of two on romance in the Relation^ology series. This and the video that follows in the playlist were meant to be an introduction to the topic. You might want to watch them first.

Trusting Your Feelings only Works in Star Wars (and even then, only half the time)

Where will your feelings lead you?

Well, for Luke Skywalker, it almost led him into a romantic relationship with the twin sister he didn’t know he had!! YIKES!

Thank goodness Han Solo’s mojo wooed Leia’s heart in the end!

Not sure which is worse: falling for your sister (Princess Leia) or a psychopath who plays it fast and loose with his light sabre (Anakin Skywalker), but in this post we empower you to avoid either mistake.

Indeed, we give you some key questions to ask about yourself and your relationships, to help keep your romantic sensibilities from succumbing to the dark side. Because…

Though the dark side isn’t stronger, it is quicker, easier, more seductive. – Yoda

And, in case you missed it here’s the 2nd of two LoveEd episodes on romance in the Relation^ology series.

Almost the Dumbest Reason to Date

The two posts linked above are the only ones I wrote on romance for the Relation^ology series, but that’s only because I had already written so much on this topic. Indeed, “romance” is #2 of the TOP10 dumbest reasons to date.

We explain why in this series of posts:

And, not to change the subject, but if your curious about all ten of the ten of the TOP10 Dumbest Reasons to Date, enjoy this LoveEd episode!

Still can’t feel your face? Check out all our posts on romance at this link.

What’s Next?

Next week we present our last intimacy impostor. But, let us know your thoughts after reading through the posts in this lesson. Does it answer questions? Raise new ones? Help you feel your face again? Help you access your brain? Comment below!

Then watch this intro to our final intimacy impostor.

DNA: It’s What’s For Dating

Dug this weekend’s DNA? Tell your friends by liking or commenting on our FMU Facebook page or on your own Facebook page by clicking the button below.

The LoveEd study guide series, Beyond Sex & Salvation,will empower you to prepare for relational success when it counts: BEFORE YOU FALL IN LOVE! It’s NOT for couples, but for any wise individual who thinks they might want to get married sometime before they die.Check out the first two 8-lesson study guides in our store. You can walk through it on your own, but it’s more fun with friends, so consider putting together an FMU LoveEd small group study. Even better?  And ask a married couple you respect to lead it!