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Join us for an evening with FMU as we celebrate our 10 year anniversary!

[updated: 5/11/19]

Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with him in glory. – Col 3:2-4 (NASV)

I love that verse: “When Christ, who is our life…

So many cheese-eating chick flicks have the guy tell the girl, something along the lines of…

“You saved me!”
“I am lost without you!”
“You are my life!”
“You make life make sense!”

“You’re my everything!”

“You complete me!”
“You are the breath that I breathe!”
“You make me come alive!”

“You’re my reason for living!”

Or, in the words of Marty McFly to his future wife, in Back to the Future: “You are my density… I mean, my destiny!”


Your destiny is to share all of eternity with Christ in heaven (where, according to Jesus, no one gets married, by the way). Jesus Christ is the one that saved you and found you. He is your life and only He can make your life make sense. He’s your everything. Only He can complete you, give you breath and make you come alive. He is your reason for living. He is your destiny! (And in a sense, He’s probably your density too.)

Look, I’m not trying to get super-spiritual on you here (then again, this is a Bible study), but…

All of these “heartfelt” Hollywood lines are really saying the same thing: “You are my idol!”

And really, when you consider how stinkin’ hot the chick to whom these lines are addressed is, who can blame the guy?

But that’s just it. The lines may be trite, but the temptation to put the girl (or guy) in front of God is titanic (another misguided chick flick). That’s why I don’t think it’s super-spiritual to shoot these movie lines down. Even the wisest man of all time, Solomon, son of David, had just one harmless little Achilles heel – women. And it gutted his life. (Check out 1 Kings 11:1-13 if you think I’m exaggerating.)

Guys, it’s not that women are evil.

Ladies, it’s not that men are the devil.

It’s that looking for life from another human being is an exercise in futility. Sure it feels good to experience that chemistry, that passion that’s part and parcel to being in love, and I hope when you’re married in the not-too-distant future you enjoy that countless days, that you celebrate it, that you breathe it in.

But your beloved will run dry eventually unless they’re being renewed by the well that never runs dry. And that’s the same source from which you should be getting your life.

What does this have to do with seeking God in prayer?

One of the primary ways of drinking in that living water is in prayer. Indeed…

When you finally identify how truly desperate your soul is for constant connection with your Maker, you’ll pray as often as Jesus.

Even better, when you begin to experience the sweetness of fellowship with Him, you’ll seek out His presence like a lover seeks the company of their beloved. You’ll even tell Him things like, “I need you! You are my life! You complete me!”


  • Did you know that Christ is your life?
  • Do you think about Him that way?
  • What things on earth are you setting your mind on?
  • Are they really giving you the life you thought they would or are they actually sapping your life away

[Want further help in pursuing life in Christ instead of romance? This is an excerpt of the 2nd book in our discipleship series: Beyond Sex & Salvation. So seriously consider purchasing a digital copy and you will learn three key life disciplines for relational success; habits best best forged BEFORE you fall in love. Even before you date! Find out more or purchase the book at this link.]

DNA: It’s What’s For Dating

Dug this weekend’s DNA? Be a good friend and share with your friends on the social media platform of choice: Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, or Twitter.

The LoveEd discipleship series, Beyond Sex & Salvation, will empower you to prepare for relational success when it counts: BEFORE you fall in love!

It’s NOT for couples, but for any wise individual who thinks they might want to get married sometime before they die. And would like to learn how to better build healthy relationships in the meantime.

Check out all three study guides in our store. You can walk through them on your own, but it’s more fun with friends (that and it kinda makes sense to grow in relational success in actual relationships with others), so consider putting together an FMU LoveEd small group study.

Even better? And ask a rock star married couple you respect to lead it!

[originally published: May 30, 2013]