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What do the following have in common:

  • Awkward questions singles get asked by married people
  • Lies porn tells us and what we should tell porn in return
  • Walt Disney’s chances of being the Antichrist
  • What Farmers know about Fornication

Find out in this year’s TOP10 most read posts from our Date Night Advice (DNA) blog. It’s like a gentle rain of truth-in-love in the desperately dry spiritual culture in which we find ourselves.

Whether you love singles, porn, Disney, farming, or all four there’s much to learn and even a few laughs to be had. And speaking of that spiritually dry culture, this would be a perfect post to share with someone new to Future Marriage University (FMU). So what are you waiting for?!

#10: The Single Person’s Guide to Relationship Status Interrogation

This post may have barely made the TOP10, but it was only published in November. So it managed to shoot all the way up into the upper limits of this year’s DNA readerdom in a mere month.

Obviously, we struck a nerve with a lot of single peeps out there looking for good responses to those awkward questions married people always seem to ask them.

Sadly, this post doesn’t offer any good responses, but it does offer a few funny ones.

[Click to Read: The Single Person’s Guide to Relationship Status Interrogation]

#9: Saying “No” to Porn

This is the first of four posts addressing the topic of pornography that made it’s way into this year’s TOP10.

[Click to read: Saying “No” to Porn]

It’s also the final post in a six-part series written to empower people like you to break free from the bondage of pornography. Having said that, I encourage you to start with the first post in the series, which just so happens to be the #8 MOST READ post of 2017. And that post is…

#8: What does the Porn Say?

Not only is this the first in the series, The Porn Posts, it’s also the first DNA piece I ever wrote specifically addressing pornography. And over three years later (after making 2014’s TOP5) it’s back in the TOP10 this year.

It explains how my own freedom from porn began with uncovering and understanding many of the lies porn was telling me (and I was believing). Apparently many others have been able to relate. Maybe you will too.

[Click to read: What Does the Porn Say? ]

#7: Why I think Walt Disney may have been the Antichrist

Published over two years ago, this post never made it into any TOP10. Until this year.

I’m as glad as I am surprised, because this post gets down to the bottom of our “dreaming” culture which is largely responsible for the haphazard way we approach relationships in general and dating in particular.

Have you drunk the Walt Disney Kool-Aid? Don’t wonder! Find out!

[Click to read: Why I think Walt Disney may have been the Antichrist]

#6: What Farmers Can Teach Us about Fornication

This piece has secured a position in our TOP10 three out of the last five years. It’s also the final of ten posts in a series we now affectionately refer to as The Sexual Intercourse. That said, like the series on porn, I encourage you to start at the beginning.

Or be one of those people who just skips to the end and read this post. No reason for judgement in this area. I just want to see you walk in wholeness: spiritually, relationally and sexually. In that order.

[Click to read: What Farmers Can Teach Us about Fornication (Sex Part 10)]


For the TOP5, check back next week for the first post of the new year! But in the meantime, we’d love to hear from you! What was the DNA post that spoke the most to YOU?

And speaking of the new year, it’s not too late for a year end contribution to spread the gospel of relational health and wholeness!  Consider a tax-deductible donation to Future Marriage University!

DNA: It’s What’s For Dating

Dug this weekend’s DNA? Be a good friend and share with your friends on the social media platform of choice: Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, or Twitter.

The LoveEd discipleship series, Beyond Sex & Salvation, will empower you to prepare for relational success when it counts: BEFORE you fall in love!

It’s NOT for couples, but for any wise individual who thinks they might want to get married sometime before they die. And would like to learn how to better build healthy relationships in the meantime.

Check out all three study guides in our store. You can walk through them on your own, but it’s more fun with friends (that and it kinda makes sense to grow in relational success in actual relationships with others), so consider putting together an FMU LoveEd small group study.

Even better?  And ask a rock star married couple you respect to lead it!