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What are you hoping for in 2019?

If you identify with any of those New Year’s aspirations, this Date Night Advice (DNA) blog is designed to help you!

Whatever your hopes for 2019, I know our God will be at work all around, in, and through you. Whether you realize it at the time or not.

As they say, “Hindsight is 20/20,” so sometimes, to move forward with confidence and wisdom, it helps to take a moment to look back. Not to live in the past, but to learn from the past. That’s one of the reasons we’re sharing our TOP5 most read posts of 2018 here at the start of the new year.

#5: Why Porn and I are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together

Despite the emphatic nature of the wording of the song title, when you listen carefully to the lyrics of Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift, she seems not entirely certain.

But trust me. I am certain. Porn and I are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together. Like ever.

I’m not saying I couldn’t fall into the porn trap again. In fact, it’s because I know it’s a possibility that I so carefully guard against it. Even still, it’s once-irresistible appeal hasn’t drawn me back in over 17 years.

Would you like to put your porn habit 17 years into the past?

Click and read: Why Porn and I are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together

Want more practical, Biblical truth to empower you to put porn behind you? Our Hot Topic page dedicated to freedom from porn is where you want to go next!

#4: Your Boyfriend Caught by Porn? Read this before it’s too Late!

This post is for the following wise individuals:

  • Women who have caught their boyfriend with porn
  • Women who have their own porn habit
  • Women who don’t know whether their boyfriend has a porn habit or not
  • Women who don’t have a boyfriend
  • Men who’d like to know what advice I’m giving women about boyfriends with porn habits
  • Anyone who knows and loves someone who will likely have to deal with the temptation of porn sometime in their lives

Do you meet any of those qualifications?

Click and read: Your Boyfriend Caught by Porn? Read this before it’s too Late!

Could you use a little more perspective on understanding God’s gift of sexual intimacy? We have a Hot Topic page for that too.

#3: 6 Reasons Brad & Angelina’s Marriage is Worth Saving

I suppose we can credit pop culture’s insatiable appetite for celebrity commentary for this post’s continued popularity, over two years after Brad and Angelina’s divorce.

Regardless, the six reasons I list for why they should do whatever it takes to get healthy individually and recommit to their marriage have not changed. And will not change.

Want to know those six reasons?

Click and read: 6 Reasons Brad & Angelina’s Marriage is Worth Saving

Dealing with the pain of your own broken relationships? Head on over to our Hot Topic page dedicated to coping with heartbreak.

#2: LOVE is NOT Something You Earn

Two years ago this was our ninth most read post. Last year it moved up to #3. And now it’s just one step away from #1.

Apparently there’s a lot of people out there wondering how to earn love.

This post attempts to set people free from holding onto this misguided idea. But even if this isn’t a fool’s errand you have fallen for, I pray this article could empower you to set others free from this vain pursuit.

Click and read: LOVE is NOT Something You Earn (Love Part 2)

Even better? Begin with the first post in this three-part series: LOVE is NOT Something You Find (Love Part 1).

#1: Is it Better to Marry than to Burn?

The hottest post in our countdown addresses another kind of heat: the burning passion that drives many into sexual sin.

Of course, Paul says that if you cannot exercise self control you should marry. And, armed with this admonition, many have made a mad dash to the altar.

But is that what Paul intended?

Click to Read: Is it Better to Marry than to Burn?

And if you’d like a little help in cooling the burning in your sex life, we created an entire Hot Topic page dedicated to sexual purity!

I hope you enjoy clicking and reading the hyperlinks of hotness above, but before you go, let us know what your favorite Date Night Advice (DNA) posts are in the comment section below. Or share a question you’d like us to address or topic you’d like us to cover in this new year. (Want to know the balance of this past year’s TOP10 (#10 down to #6)? Click here!)

DNA: It’s What’s For Dating

Dug this weekend’s DNA? Be a good friend and share with your friends on the social media platform of choice: Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, or Twitter.

The LoveEd discipleship series, Beyond Sex & Salvation, will empower you to prepare for relational success when it counts: BEFORE you fall in love!

It’s NOT for couples, but for any wise individual who thinks they might want to get married sometime before they die. And would like to learn how to better build healthy relationships in the meantime.

Check out all three study guides in our store. You can walk through them on your own, but it’s more fun with friends (that and it kinda makes sense to grow in relational success in actual relationships with others), so consider putting together an FMU LoveEd small group study.

Even better? And ask a rock star married couple you respect to lead it!