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Join us for an evening with FMU as we celebrate our 10 year anniversary!

Have you ever spent 20+ days in a van with a bunch of musicians? Well, I have now. In fact, as I clickity-clack on the keyboard, I’m on a plane to Houston to meet up with the guys of Sevenglory (… again…. for four more days of adventure in their trusty van visiting radio stations from Houston to St. Lou.

I actually enjoy it. The guys are real and there’s a fun creativity that spontaneously bursts forth now and then. Indeed, just one such creative eruption spewed out the idea for Buck & Sasha.

Buck & Sasha are about as far apart in background, demeanor, dress, class, education, experience and taste as any two white guys could be. Other than being male Caucasians they don’t really have much in common… except that they’re both on the same show together… and they’re both from Birmingham… but not the same Birmingham.

That said, contrary to normal comedic device, what makes Buck & Sasha’s interaction so curious is not that they constantly divide over their differences, but that they don’t really seem to notice them at all. They seldom share the same opinions, but they banter about their weekly topics from their conflicting perspectives as though they came from the same womb. All the while, they aren’t even from the same country.

Since I was on the road doing my “real job” when Buck & Sasha showed up (metaphorically speaking, of course), I was trying to figure out how to use these two characters in pod casts to promote my business. However, after returning home I realized that Buck & Sasha were really meant to promote Marriage Ed… and so, after talking it over with the wife, we decided to let them.

The result is a series of video vignettes designed to get singles laughing, thinking and talking about some of topics we’ll discuss at the next Marriage Ed Saturday Seminar For Singles. The first episode of A Single Moment with Buck & Sasha will hit this very site Monday, 2/11, so come back again then. If it makes you laugh and/or think, pass it along to a single friend.

As for our next seminar, it’s called Be Prepared Before You Fall In Love and registration will open Monday, 2/11, as well. PLUS if you register early you’ll save 25% off the $40 registration fee (that includes lunch).

And, finally, please say a prayer for Julie and me. It was a step of faith to put on the first seminar… and now with our newly-expanding family (God just added two foster boys to the mix) it’s an even bigger step of faith to do another one.

Thanks for stopping by. Be sure to do the same again Monday, 2/11!! In the meantime, I’ll see what madness another week on the road with a bunch of musicians may matriculate.