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Here are 23 reasons why you should quit porn. Important note: they aren’t reasons I came up with. They’re reasons others posted anonymously online; others who have seen porn have a major impact on their lives. And not a good one.

Each of the stories below were shared in response to a conversation prompt in an Instagram story from Fight Against Porn. The original request:

Share with us how porn has hurt you.

There were an overwhelming number of responses, and you can read them all at the previous link, but I picked out just 23 heart-breakers. I actually tried to pick only 13 for the sake of the “13 Reasons Why” theme, but there were just too many reasons. I share them with you, holding the following hopes:

Whatever your story, freedom from porn is real. I’ve experienced it since 2001, and you can too. So can those you care about. However, people won’t seek the freedom that is possible, much less fight for it, until they are convinced porn isn’t merely naughty, but deadly. Deadly to your heart and soul and mind and body and relationships.

Think I’m exaggerating? Read on.

  1. My ex refused to stop watching porn. So I had no choice but to leave after 12 years. He chose porn over me.

  2. Porn gave me the wrong expectations of what was going to happen when I had sex.

  3. I can’t stay focused at work.

  4. I was raped by my boyfriend after we watched porn together.

  5. No motivation. No willpower. Never satisfied with anything. Shame, and guilt. Need I go on?

  6. My ex in high school was highly addicted to porn and now I’m in therapy/healing because of trauma related to it.

  7. Went through physical and sexual abuse from guys looking at porn who claimed to love me.

  8. Porn led to a marriage of covert manipulation and sexual abuse. Now I’m a single mom of three.

  9. Porn-addicted boyfriend destroyed my self worth and body image.

  10. It’s destroyed someone I care deeply about; porn warped their idea of sex and self-worth.

  11. I feel so separated from my wife. Where do I begin?

  12. I don’t want to get out of bed. I watch porn all night.

  13. I’m flunking out of college.

  14. Porn is destroying my ministry. I can’t preach against sin if I’m deep in sin.

  15. My mind is filthy. I can’t have a clean thought.

  16. Even fully dressed women set me off.

  17. I’m lost and alone with porn.

  18. I’m not even fulfilled anymore with porn or masturbating. I’m empty and I don’t know why.

  19. He can’t stay faithful. Always looking for another girl; a better girl.

  20. My husband thinks our marriage is all about sex.

  21. My husband won’t even touch me anymore.

  22. I don’t like myself, so no one else will.

  23. Scared that in the future I’ll cheat on my wife because of porn.

Want to fight for freedom? It’s worth it!!

Click any of the hyperlinks above, or check out our Hot Topic page dedicated to empowering others to finding freedom from porn like I did. And please feel free to share how porn has hurt you or someone you love in the comments below. Or share how you’ve broken free from porn!

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This discipleship series is NOT about dos and don’ts. It’s about learning the life lessons, mastering the life disciplines, and making the life decisions necessary for relational success.