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Join us for an evening with FMU as we celebrate our 10 year anniversary!

DNA-BaconLast week I presented 2013’s TOP5 most read posts from our beloved Date Night Advice. But, alas, all five were about sex.

In the interest of pretending there’s more to life than sex, this week I present the TOP5 NON-SEXUAL posts from 2013.


Because no sexual purity plan is worse than this one:

Don’t think about sex.
Don’t think about sex.
Don’t think about sex.

You might as well have a diet plan where you tell yourself, “Don’t think about bacon.”

It’s essential to put your sexuality in perspective, stop letting it define you and realize that there truly is more to life than sex. MUCH MORE! And so without further ado, away we go!

#5: Infatuation vs. Intimacy (Romance Part 3)
I’m not certain if this post’s popularity sprung from the actual content or just the post photograph of Nibbles, my daughter’s bunny. (He’s quite a cutie.) Regardless, in this final post of a three-part romance series I draw out the differences between infatuation and (non-sexual) intimacy. Then I explain why we confuse the two so easily, and how this misunderstanding will erode the foundation of every dating relationship you ever enter.

#4: She Loves Me. She Loves Me Not. (Belonging Part 1)
Though belonging is an essential human need for a healthy life, it’s also a dangerous motive for dating. I learned this the hard way, so you don’t have to. Indeed, in this post I share a truth that’s taken me decades to grasp. (You’re welcome. Glad to do it. Don’t let it be in vain. Or I’ll hunt you down. Not really. But seriously, you’ll be sorry. But not because of anything I do.)

#3: An Urgent Message for the Spiritually Mature
Was it the word “urgent” that caught your attention? Well, despite the urgency, many believers ignore the advice shared here. And almost all of them are sorry they did. That’s probably because this wisdom comes straight from our heavenly Father’s gracious heart. This post is one of eight excerpts from Beyond Sex & Salvation Book 2: Three Key Life Disciplines for Relational Success. If you’re looking for a relationship series for your college, young adult or singles group STOP LOOKING and have your group download book one.

#2: Introducing the TOP10 Dumbest Reasons to Date
This was the post that launched 38 other posts. However, before it was a blog series, TOP10 Dumbest Reasons to Date was a part of the discussion series, Friends Don’t Let Friends Date Dumb. So if reading 39 posts sounds too daunting, simply host an FMU LoveEd event for your college, youth or young adult group. If you enjoy what you read here on Date Night Advice imagine how much fun we would have live! Think CS Lewis meets Jim Carrey or Louie Giglio meets Steve Carell or Tim Keller meets Bill Murray. Sounds too good to be true? Ask my Mom! Better yet, see what non-relatives have said. (Click on the previous link and then click: referrals.)

#1: What Cats Can Teach Us about Dating (I’m Curious Part 1)
Why turn to cats? They say cats and bacon are the most popular topics on the internet. Personally, I prefer my cat medium well. And wrapped in bacon. (That’s not true, but I’ve thought about it. I’m kidding! But I do wonder if it would it taste like chicken or more like skink. On second thought, maybe I’ll just have baconmmmmmm.) Silly rabbit trails (cat trails?) aside, this is the first post in a three part series clarifying why curiosity isn’t reason enough to start dating. Indeed, many times what starts out as innocent curiosity soon necessitates serious counseling.  Could reading this post save you serious counseling? It depends. Would you pass the bacon?

That’s it. The 2013 review is complete. Put a fork in me. I’m done. Better yet, put a fork in some baconmmmmmmm.

Got an issue you’d like to see me address sometime this year? Shoot me a Facebook message or email. And wrap it in bacon, will you?

DNA: It’s What’s For Dating

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The LoveEd study guide series, Beyond Sex & Salvation, will empower you to prepare for relational success when it counts: BEFORE YOU FALL IN LOVE! It’s NOT for couples, but for any wise individual who thinks they might want to get married sometime before they die. Check out the first two 8-lesson study guides in our store. You can walk through it on your own, but it’s more fun with friends, so consider putting together an FMU LoveEd small group study. Even better?  And ask a married couple you respect to lead it!