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Want to Date Like You Know What You’re Doing? We have a book and video curriculum for that!

Like this past year, the TOP5 hottest posts of 2020 from our Date Night Advice (DNA) blog hold a few surprises.

But unlike the last 12 months, these surprises are all good ones.

Usually the majority of each year’s TOP5 pieces will be about sex. In fact, in 2013 all the TOP5 articles were about sex and in 2016 four out of five were. In contrast, the topics addressed in this year’s TOP5 run the gamut:

  • Recovering from the “Friend Zone”
  • Understanding the nature of true love
  • Handling bad pick-up lines
  • Discerning the right time to marry

Of course, the post about marriage has a lot to do with sex. So does the one on pornography, but that’s only two out of five. But enough talk. Let’s share what you and others read the most.

#5: Dealing with Rejection in the Friend Zone

Ahhhh… the friend zone.

It’s like the coronavirus.

You can’t see it, but you can feel it’s effects.

And they aren’t good.

It won’t take away your sense of taste, but the friend zone will leave a bad taste in your mouth.

But the reality? You can’t enter a relationship with the right person, while holding onto hopes for a relationship with the wrong person. So if you’ve ever been friend zoned or know someone who has, check out this article.

Click and read: Dealing with Rejection in the Friend Zone

And if you like this post enjoy the whole DNA series: The Friend Zone Files.

Or for a different perspective on the Friend Zone altogether, check out this LoveEd episode sharing a small part of Our Story on our FMUniversity YouTube channel.

#4: Want to Earn Someone’s Love?

If you want to earn someone’s love, apparently you aren’t alone. Hence so many still searching, finding, reading, and sharing this article three years after it was first published.

But what if you discover you can’t earn the love you want? Where might that desperation lead you?

Let just that thought lead you to read this piece right now.

Click and read: Want to Earn Someone’s Love?

Like that post? It’s one of three in the DNA series: 3 Truths about Love.

And if you’re wondering if increasing the physicality of your relationship will help you discern true love, this LoveEd episode from the Relation^ology series on our FMUniversity YouTube channel is a must-watch!

#3: Your Boyfriend Caught by Porn? Read this before it’s too Late!

This post is for the following wise individuals:

  • Girlfriends who have caught their boyfriend with porn
  • Women who have their own porn habit
  • Significant others who don’t know whether their boyfriend has a porn habit or not
  • Ladies who don’t have a boy at all right now
  • Men who’d like to know what advice I’m giving women about boyfriends with porn habits
  • Anyone who knows and loves someone who will likely have to deal with the temptation of porn sometime in their lives

Can you relate to any of those situations?

Click and read: Your Boyfriend Caught by Porn? Read this before it’s too Late!

Could you use a little more perspective on understanding God’s gift of sexual intimacy? We have a Hot Topic page for that.

And what about this thought: will porn keep you single? Watch this LoveEd series on our FMUniversity YouTube channel and find out how porn is keeping millions of marriage-minded students and young adults single.

#2: Is it Better to Marry than to Burn?

The second most-read article in our 2020 countdown this year has been our MOST-read the previous two years.

In this piece we talk about the burning passion which drives many into sexual sin. And sometimes drives them right into marriage. A terribly unhappy marriage.

Don’t want that to be you?

Click to Read: Is it Better to Marry than to Burn?

And if you’d like a little help cooling the burn of your sex drive, we created a Hot Topic page dedicated to sexual purity!

Or watch this video presentation answering the same question from our LoveEd series: Premarital Sex & the Scriptures on our FMUniversity YouTube channel.

#1: “You Got Fine Written All Over You!” (Part I)

According to Google, many who find this article are searching for the meaning of the pick up line:

Are you a parking ticket cuz you got fine written all over you!

But those coming just for an explanation of this creepy pick-up line wind up getting far more than they bargained for.

I do answer that question, but the real point of this piece is to address the sexual objectification inherent in creepy pick-up line like this one. And to encourage the reader to raise their dating standards, leaving the deliverer of bad pick-up lines to pick on somebody else.

Click and read: “You Got Fine Written All Over You!” (Part I)

And if you like this article, you’ll love the DNA series it’s a part of: TOP10 Signs You’re on a Bad First Date.

Or for a different approach to flirting, check out our lighthearted LoveEd series, How to Flirt like a Christian on our FMUniversity YouTube channel.

Thank you for reading our DNA blog. It’s hard to have a TOP5 most-read if one one reads.

I hope you enjoy clicking and reading the hyperlinks of hotness above, but before you go:

  • Let us know what your favorite DNA posts are in the comment section below
  • Share a question you’d like us to address or topic you’d like us to cover in the coming new year
  • Let us know how we can pray for you this holiday season and in the New Year

DNA: It’s What’s For Dating

Dug this weekend’s DNA? Be a good friend and share with your friends on the social media platform of choice: Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, or Twitter.

The LoveEd discipleship series, Beyond Sex & Salvation, will empower you to prepare for relational success when it counts: BEFORE you fall in love!

It’s NOT for couples, but for any wise individual who thinks they might want to get married sometime before they die. And would like to learn how to better build healthy relationships in the meantime.

Check out all three study guides in our store. You can walk through them on your own, but it’s more fun with friends (that and it kinda makes sense to grow in relational success in actual relationships with others), so consider putting together an FMU LoveEd small group study.

Even better? And ask a rock star married couple you respect to lead it!