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This is a warning and a challenge to every single man who will read this post.

It comes from a dream I dreamt just a couple nights ago. But, plot spoiler: it was a weird one.

I usually don’t share my dreams in blog form with the world. Actually, I can think of only one other time I shared a dream I had in this Date Night Advice blog.

But I’ve resolved to recount this dream for you, because of the urgency and importance of the warning and challenge it presents to every single man who hopes to become a husband and father. If that’s not you specifically, consider it a warning and challenge to any man you care about. Regardless, I pray you’ll take what I’m about to relate to heart.

However, before we get to it, a trigger-warning: the latter part of the dream involves violence to a woman. Not graphically, but it actually presents the violence as if it was a good thing. Which normally it wouldn’t be. But it will all make sense after I share the meaning of the dream. Just wanted you to be aware of that, or choose to read another Date Night Advice post like this one instead.

How It Started

Now to the dream. The first part was pretty normal as far as dreams go. Which is to say, not normal at all for real life. And honestly, I only had a vague impression of what was happening.

Basically, it involved me walking down various city streets holding a homemade poster board sign like you’d see a protestor carry. Only my sign said something like, “If you ask, I will pray for you.” At least that was the idea of the sign.

And even though I can’t do a play-by-play of this part of the dream, it seemed as though people did ask for prayer and I  did pray for them. And that’s kinda cool, because I do love to pray for people. In fact…

I’m praying for you right now, as I type these words, that as you continue reading you will be blessed by what follows.

But now to the second part of the dream; the part I now recognize as both a warning and challenge to every single man who hopes to become a husband and father someday.

All is NOT as it Seems

The rest of the dream was so vivid, it felt like I was watching a movie scene on a flat-screen, HDTV. And beyond what I clearly saw, I also innately knew things that were happening even if I didn’t actually witness them visually.

I am no longer on the street, but in the home of a young man, who I can see hiding behind a desk in his office. I wasn’t literally in his house, mind you. I was only there as a narrator, presumably so I could relate what would take place for you reading now.

The hiding man was not in the house alone. Hence the hiding.

Not “hide-and-seek” type hiding, but “hiding-for-his life” type hiding. Because the only other person in his home was there to kill him and destroy his whole family.

Curiously enough though, the killer didn’t look like a killer. She actually looked more like a real estate agent.

Yes the killer was a “she.” And she appeared to be talking on her phone as she walked down a narrow hall toward the room where the man was hiding. But I knew the “on the phone” ploy was a ruse, to make the man feel like she wasn’t even concerned with him. Being busy on the phone and all.

And then I somehow perceived this guy was one of the people I had been praying for. And as wrong as it seems, at this point in the story, I knew that I had been praying for this guy to actually kill the woman instead of being killed by her.

Yes, violence against women is wrong. Men are called to love, honor, cherish, provide for, and guard women from danger.

Unless the woman in question is the danger. And she is determined to do violence against innocent victims. And if she is prepared and equipped to do so.

That said, though she brandished no weapon and didn’t even look like a trained assassin…

I knew this woman not only could kill this man, but would kill this man. And subsequently destroy his whole family. If he didn’t kill her first.

I know it doesn’t make sense. (Do most dreams make sense?) In fact, if I had to sum up in just one word the appearance of this “killer,” that word would be: harmless.

Again she possessed the air of a real estate agent: well-dressed, pleasant to look at, and friendly. And merely chatting it up on the phone. But I knew in the dream that this was all a lie, and that her motives were truly evil and her commitment unwavering.

With that as a backdrop, here’s the rest of the dream sequence.

How It Ended

She glances to her right, into the office where the guy is hiding, as she talks to “whoever.” (I couldn’t hear what she was saying.) And then she glances left into the room just opposite the office. Just a little casual, nonchalant glance in both directions before she continues down the hall.

And then, the man’s phone beeps, like he received a text or something. I feel his heart jump. (Or is that my own heart?)

The woman stops cold, still on the phone, but listening… (but not to anyone on the phone) as she walks back toward the part of the hall where the office and the room opposite of it are located. She looks again, this time a little more intently into both rooms and then continues to walk past.

But as she’s near the end of the hall the man’s phone beeps again, and this time I know she’s figured out the noise is coming from the office.

As a result, she casually, but directly walks toward the office entrance. And now she’s standing in the door frame, staring right at the desk.

However, as happens in dreams, I intrinsically perceive in that moment that the guy is no longer behind the desk. I never saw him do it, but I now realize that after the first text notification, he left his phone in the office and snuck into the room directly across the narrow hall. So as she is staring into the office, I know he’s now behind her in the other room.

Again, I don’t see the man behind her. I just know he is.

All I can see is the woman. Confident, composed, and calculating.

Staring at the desk, as if she was staring right at me.

However, again without me seeing him, he quickly sneaks up behind her, and proceeds to strangle her.

But it’s not at all as violent or gory as it sounds. She doesn’t grasp at her neck. She makes no gagging noises. There’s no struggle. She barely shows any distress on her face.

She merely stops talking, presumably listening to the person on the other end of the line. The person she was only pretending to listen to all along.

But now she’s not talking, because she can’t talk. Because she can’t breathe. And I know my prayer is answered.

And just like that, I wake up from the dream.

Will You Let Her Destroy You? And Your Family?

Why do I believe this strange dream is a warning and challenge to every single man who hopes to become a husband and father?

Because after I woke up from that dream, I discerned who the woman is.

Do you know who she is?

She isn’t really a real estate agent, but she is all business. And her business is the destruction of men and their families.

She is pornography.

In a word, she looks harmless. But, again in a word, she is deadly.

And she’s not only in the home of the man in my dream, but in virtually every home on your street. Enjoying free reign in most. Able to strut confidently down any hallway and into any room she pleases.

And she’s seeking you. She’s coming for you.

She is on the phone, reaching out to every man, willing to say whatever is necessary to make the sale.

The real estate she’s selling are the bodies of souls. Souls carelessly, but intentionally sacrificed for the pleasure, the appetite, the ego, and the comfort of men. But she will leave you lifeless, empty, insecure, and alone.

She will stab you in the back, shred your heart, suffocate your soul, poison your mind, break your will, and slowly drain every ounce of strength from your bones.

Then she’ll break your wife’s heart. Or harden it against you, and men in general. (If porn doesn’t keep you from winning a woman’s heart altogether).

And then she will go after your kids, with the same deadly intent.

And she’ll do all of this with your consent, because you were the one who welcomed her into your home, your phone, and your life in the first place.

This is her objective. And she has all it takes to meet her objective. It’s not a question of if, but when.






Fortunately, as the man in the dream demonstrated, while you can’t hide from porn forever, you can kill it.

And you must kill it, if you want to be a husband who can graciously love, honor, and cherish his wife and if you want to be a father who can faithfully lead his family.

If you doubt my own interpretation of my dream, consider the prophetic words of Proverbs 5. After all, sexual immorality wasn’t invented by internet porn. Sexual immorality created internet porn.

1 My son, pay attention to my wisdom;
listen closely to my understanding
2 so that you may maintain discretion
and your lips safeguard knowledge.
3 Though the lips of the forbidden woman drip honey
and her words are smoother than oil,
4 in the end she’s as bitter as wormwood
and as sharp as a double-edged sword.
5 Her feet go down to death;
her steps head straight for Sheol.
6 She doesn’t consider the path of life;
she doesn’t know that her ways are unstable.

7 So now, sons, listen to me,
and don’t turn away from the words from my mouth.
8 Keep your way far from her.
Don’t go near the door of her house.
9 Otherwise, you will give up your vitality to others
and your years to someone cruel;
10 strangers will drain your resources,
and your hard-earned pay will end up in a foreigner’s house.
11 At the end of your life, you will lament
when your physical body has been consumed,
12 and you will say, “How I hated discipline,
and how my heart despised correction.
13 I didn’t obey my teachers
or listen closely to my instructors.
14 I am on the verge of complete ruin
before the entire community.”
Proverbs 5:1-14 (ESV)

That is the warning. And that is the challenge. How will you respond?

If you ask me, I will pray for you.

I’m actually praying for you again right now as I type the final words of this post.

Resources to Save Your Life & Your Family

If you’d like a first step in killing porn before it kills you first, you can check out our free resource page dedicated to living free from pornography.

Live Free from Porn

Or check out any of this Man2Man memo series on learning to live free from porn, followed by the LoveEd series, Will Porn Keep You Single? Or click the link below the video to read any of the following Date Night Advice posts:

Porn is like a Virus

Your Boyfriend Caught by Porn? Read this before it’s too Late!

An Interview about Freedom from Porn

Porn is Like…

The Relational Reporter: Cure for Porn Addiction Discovered

16 Things I Love about Life after Porn