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Join us for an evening with FMU as we celebrate our 10 year anniversary!

2016 TOP5 HottestCan you believe it? The first half of the first month of 2016 is already past!

So let’s finish our TOP10 countdown with the final five most read Date Night Advice (DNA) posts of 2015 before we have to put the Christmas decorations back up!

#5: What You Don’t Know about Romance CAN Hurt You (Romance Part 1)

This was the first of a three part series explaining why we consider romance one of the TOP10 Dumbest Reasons to Date.

Of course, we don’t want to be relational party-poopers, because let’s face it, romance is fun! And the book, Song of Solomon, leads one to believe God invented it!

However, the truth is romance has tarnished more dating experiences than it’s enhanced. And that’s because of this apparently little-known truth: romance is an impostor, a counterfeit, an imitation of a deep-seated relational requirement for which every heart cries out. But if you can understand what romance is and isn’t you have a far greater chance at enjoying it and still getting your deeper needs met. Read all about it here!

#4: Introducing the TOP10 Dumbest Reasons to Date

This was the post that launched 38 others. That was three years ago. And yet it still remains in the TOP5 for 2015.

However, before it was a blog series, TOP10 Dumbest Reasons to Date was a part of the discussion series, Friends Don’t Let Friends Date Dumb. So if reading 39 posts sounds too daunting, simply host an FMU LoveEd event for your college, youth, parent or young adult group.

Just imagine how much fun we would have together live! Think CS Lewis meets Jim Carrey or Louie Giglio meets Steve Carell or Tim Keller meets Bill Murray. (Or any combination thereof.)

Sounds too good to be true? Ask my Mom! Better yet, see what non-relatives have said. (Click on the previous link and then click: referrals.)

Back to the post: whether you have found dating to be a tad daunting or whether your dating life is a complete disaster, I pose this question: Would you like to thrive throughout your dating experience?

If the answer to that question is a resounding YES, click here and read.

#3: Kicking Porn where the Sun Don’t Shine

In 2015 I only published two posts addressing porn on my DNA blog, and one of them makes our TOP5. In this post I share six steps to kicking porn where the sun don’t shine, and as I do I refer back to The Porn Posts, a six-part series on breaking free from porn which published in the previous year.

And if you’re looking for more help in this area, be sure to check out the amazing resources over at Covenant Eyes, especially these guest posts which they allowed me to contribute:

#2: Don’t Date Like a Dummy

For the second year in a row this post has remained our #2 most read post.

It was created as an easy way to navigate the 38 posts in the TOP10 Dumbest Reasons to Date. Bottom line, I believe you can thrive in your dating experience if you understand and commit to avoiding these ten dating blunders.

So what are you waiting for? Check them all out here!

#1: Intercourse: It’s Not Just a City in Pennsylvania

And finally, our top most-read DNA post of last year is yet another repeat.

Who would name a blog post: Intercourse: It’s Not Just a City in Pennsylvania?

The real question is: Who would name a city in Pennsylvania: Intercourse?

But I digress. This post wasn’t actually inspired by any particular city, but by the fact that the TOP5 most read posts of 2013 were all about sex, and every one of them came from a series I now affectionately refer to as The Sexual Intercourse. Since this topic seems to resonate so powerfully with so many, I thought I’d synopsize the entire series here for posterity.

Up Next:

Can’t thank you enough for reading what I share here from this tiny outpost of relational sanity in the midst of the wilderness of societal experimentation.

Did any other Date Night Advice post speak to you last year? Please share in the comment section below. And, as always, please share our blog with other wise individuals like yourself, as we’ll be returning to our Dating 101 series, where we’re casting a vision for dating that’s as different from the norm as bacon is from pig snout.

 DNA: It’s What’s For Dating

Dug this weekend’s DNA? Tell your friends by liking or commenting on our FMU Facebook page or on your own Facebook page by clicking the button below.

The LoveEd study guide series, Beyond Sex & Salvation, will empower you to prepare for relational success when it counts: BEFORE YOU FALL IN LOVE! It’s NOT for couples, but for any wise individual who thinks they might want to get married sometime before they die. Check out the first two 8-lesson study guides in our store. You can walk through it on your own, but it’s more fun with friends, so consider putting together an FMU LoveEd small group study. Even better?  And ask a married couple you respect to lead it!